We've spent the last month between two houses and we are now officially down to just one. I cannot tell you how relieved I am to cross that huge task off the list; and how excited I am to have a real home with Duncan (and Oly and Butters).
We are making serious progress towards organizing our new home and we can wait to have visitors and guests join us in the coming weeks.
I also crossed off another half marathon off the list this weekend at the Seattle Rock N Roll. It was a CRAZY big race with 28,000 runners and walkers. The race started in Tukwila and ended right next to Qwest field. The morning was crazy as we found over 2 miles of solid traffic to the runner drop off zone and I ended up walking over a mile and a half to the start line. Hey, I'm already about to run 13, why not warm up with a few miles? Right? Regardless, I just barely made it in time to drop off my gear, hit up the port-a-pottie and make it into my corral to start. There were over 35 corrals of runners, I was in corral 13 and it took 17 minutes for my corral to make it to the start line. This race is serious.
Anyway, the run went well enough and I PR-ed! WOO!
Bib | FName | LName | City | State | Country | Age | Sex | ChipTime | ClockTime | Overall | SexPl | DivPl | AgeGrade |
13626 | Elizabeth | Evans | Seattle | WA | 25 | F | 1:54:57 | 2:12:35 | 2430 | 1040 | 229 | 57.3% |
They really don't want you to reuse the official photos, but here is my best try at snagging them. I look less like a t-rex than I normally do while running AND you may notice something missing that I usually wear...
No glasses! I started working in contacts last week and they have been awesome for running. Still a bit weird; I keep trying to push my phantom glasses up on my nose, it looks pretty cool.
Hopefully with a more normal life on the horizon, we can get back to some more food and animal related photography. Here's hoping!!!!