Our wonderful friend Ashley, and former roommate, rejoined the Ole' Brown family for an impromptu, but totally delicious dindin. None of us were craving anything and the only thing we could think of was pasta. Boring. After some discussion we decided on pasta with veggies and clams. Ashley has some great skills in the kitchen and came over to help prep and brought some wine for drinking and cooking. She had the fabulous idea of heating up some garlic and onions in wine than adding that to the water which we would steam the clams over... SO GOOD.
Banana (aka Anna, our roomie) provided some great linguine from Trader Joe's - two different types, Garlic & Basil and Spinach & Chive. We tossed the linguine with sauteed zucchini, bell peppers, onion and garlic, fresh tomato and topped it off with our delicious clams and some of the steaming liquid (onion/garlic/wine) and VOILA:
The dish in all its glory (in a dish from the Momlette, we love our wooden bowls!)
A lovely freshly steamed Manila clam.
My delicious bowl of goodness.
Blurry Ashley enjoying the food deliciousness.
Today, while cleaning the kitchen, I decided to reorganize some drawers, and look who helped! He is sooo helpful!
He is so beautiful.
Now WE'RE going to have to have clams and linguine for dinner tomorrow. It looks marvelous! (I love the clam close-up.)