Wha happened to Day 1? Never fear, Duncan detailed our first hours in O'ahu over on his blog. Read, enjoy, be impressed, be angered, be happy!
As for Day 2, we had EVEN MORE adventures.
First off, Duncan suggested that we run every morning. Being a fan of all things fitness related, and currently able to run (Hooray!), I agreed. Thus, we ran. And run we did. Here was our loop, which seems a harmless 2 miles...
But you must remember, we were in Hawaii. You know, close to the equator? You know, REALLY hot and humid. Not that we are complaining, just saying that running in that weather is a wee bit different than running in Seattle.
We ran, we sweated, and then we walked to the nearest grocery store for cheap breakfast creation. We packed granola and planned to add yogurt and fruit to create a more wholesome and delectable meal. Fortunately, we found Food Pantry - glamorous right? Well, it was teensy and overpriced, but we got our yogurt, kiwis, bananas, pineapple, oranges and full bellies. Nom nom. In fact, we dined on this breakfast with mild variations every morning on our lanai overlooking Diamond Head and the ocean. Not too shabby.
With breakfast in our bellies, we decided to head out for some beach time, followed by shower time, followed by HAMMER TIME! Maybe not, but if Oscar was there, you bet your boots (or Hammer Pants) that we would have danced.
Clean and hungry we headed to the South Shore Grill (recommended by one of Dunc's fellow team-members and resident surfer dude, Aaron).

This place is DELISH to the max. Duncan enjoyed the "Mixed Plate" with short ribs, chicken, and fish taco (he liked.) And I had the grilled mahi mahi sandwich with a macadamia nut pesto (I liked). Seriously yummy.
Done pondering, Duncan decided to climb around like a crazy monkey. He did a fine job. He is better at being a monkey than a goblin. Fine by me, I would much rather hang out with a monkey than a goblin. Wouldn't you?
After the garden, we decided to head out on "the Beach Bus" - TheBus #22 - to explore the eastern coast of O'ahu. We actually ended up jumping on the 23 which seemed as if it would go the same way. It did have the same final destination, Sea Life Park. We ended up touring through Kahala and Hawaii Kai inland and crept back towards the coast at "Sandy Beach" - sounds great right? Let's stop there! We did, and the bus dropped us off about half mile away. Oh well, we will hoof it... but where is the beach? The SANDY BEACH?

Turns out, Sandy beach was just a bit further down the coast, and we were just too lazy to look. We got on another bus before thoroughly exploring and got off at Makupu'u/Sea Life Park. The park wasn't quite what we were looking for, and Makupu'u Beach was very enticing.

Especially for Duncan. See him drawn to the crazy big crashing waves? He liked to free-style body surf in them, which scared me. So I just stared at him intensely, ready to save his life with my non-existent lifeguarding skills.

Beautiful, but dangerous. (That is Rabbit Island out there in the distance.)
Fortunately, no one died at the beach. Although, the lifeguard (with actual skills) did have to dive in after someone... really comforting for me...
It was a wonderful second day of Island exploration. We watched yet another lovely Hawaiian sunset. And crashed fairly early (the sun sets there at 7pm, and freaked us out, sleep wise) in preparation for Day 3!
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