We just so happen to have an insane number of water bottles in our house. Today's water bottle party consisted of Ms. Husky Alumni Purple, Big Blue, and Lil Green Camelback.

That is all. I will back to posting about food explorations shortly. Just picked a billion pounds of strawberries and raspberries, so I am sure something fun will come of that. (If you haven't picked your own berries before, I would strongly reccomend it. Cheap and delicious.)
Hey Betsy and/or Duncan, It's Toby. Remember, that short dude that lives at that farm in that state you visited on the east coast? Yeah, that Toby, (just so as not to confuse you with other Toby's or other short dude's who live on farm's on the east coast you may know.)
ReplyDeleteSo anyways, I just wanted to see how you guys were doing. How's that place entitled 'Land of Milk and Honey, or Land of Soy and Agave? (Whatever the heck that means.)
It's been pretty boring over on the farm in that state you visited on the east coast. (I'm serious. It's been very very dull, or gray, if you will. [Now that I think about it, gray isn't to dull, or gray, if you will.])
When are you guys coming back to the land of dullness and depression? I'm lonely here on the east coast. I've been told, allmost 90% percent of forecasts in Seattle is overcast, (source: my mom) confirm or deny?
TTYL. (Talk to you later.)
TRF, (Toby F., R. F. Clippe, etc.)